4 Big Mistakes People Make When Choosing A Niche ( In 2023) - Patrick Ogbonna Blog

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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

4 Big Mistakes People Make When Choosing A Niche ( In 2023)

Without first earning the trust of their target audience, new bloggers and online entrepreneurs would find it nearly impossible to launch their new businesses.

Too many entrepreneurs who start their businesses online choose a market they know nothing about because they are more interested in the potential financial gain than the information they can provide to their target audience.

Here are a few more frequent mistakes you should steer clear of when choosing your niche

1. Picking a Well-Known Niche Because It seems To Be Profitable 

A big mistake that prevents your business from growing is choosing a niche based on how profitable you anticipate it will be.

For instance, how can you attempt to teach others how to blog and earn money from home if you have never made any money blogging?

You need to have a certain amount of expertise and understanding in the area you choose if you want to run a successful blog or online business.

2. Choosing An Overly Tiny Niche

You will be less able to increase your visitors and revenue when you try to build your business on a single product or a service.

You should strive to pick a niche that will allow you to expand your reach in the future.

Perform a Google search with your keywords to see what phrases Google provides before limiting yourself to a certain topic.

Look for the "searches related to" list at the bottom of the results page as you scroll down.

3. Picking A Highly Competitive Niche

The narrow markets that are overrun with the competition are at the other extreme of the spectrum.

It could be very challenging to get seen by your target audience when you've picked a highly competitive niche.

If one of these niches relates to your area of expertise, you must publish expert, knowledge-rich content that addresses the problems of your target audience if you want to build a reputation for yourself in the industry. 

4. Picking A Niche With An Offline Target Market 

Apparently, not everyone is on the internet.

Prior to choosing a niche, you must confirm your target market's existence, as well as where they spend their time online.

If you learn that your target audience spends time on Instagram, you should promote it there.

To be sure you can engage them online, conduct this research before selecting a niche.


It should not be difficult to identify the ideal niche for your business.

As you progress, keep these frequent mistakes in mind to make sure you choose the proper niche and create a successful online business.

Before you do anything, it's important that you first find and know your NICHE.

I’ve written a special report entitled:

“5 Secrets To Finding Your Niche"
which will help you get started in finding your niche.

Download your copy right away >> https://sendfox.com/lp/mpyxjv

It won’t cost you a thing.

To Your Success,


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